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Stop Cold Calling
Imagine every sales call was only to people who are pre-qualified, eager and ready to buy.
No cold calls. No rejection. No beating the bushes to find new clients and customers.
That’s how sales calls should be. Not stressing about how to make a few measly sales out of hundreds of calls.
Discover how Team Dan Lok turn prospects from “cold” to red-hot leads with just a few little-known techniques.
Call Less, Close More
Prospecting Secrets equips you with strategies to take control of any sales call within the first 10 seconds, ensuring your prospect stays engaged.
By avoiding common mistakes that drive prospects away and using subtle psychological triggers, you’ll naturally guide conversations to success.
These techniques allow you to work smarter, not harder, turning each call into a valuable opportunity rather than a numbers game.
Avoid Tire Kickers
How to immediately tell who you should and shouldn’t sell to?
This instantly cuts the tire kickers who waste time on sales calls from prospects who are ripe for the picking.
Discover how to tap into a prospect’s real needs and pain points, to quickly turn their interest into action.
- The 16-word sentence that never fails to grab your prospects attention
It’s so simple (yet delightfully devious) that the person on the other end instantly begins talking without hesitation. - How to take control of ANY sales call in the first 10 seconds
This uncommon technique causes a prospect to perk up and listen. - Sell more by selling less
I developed this powerful psychological trigger technique years ago. It sells like crazy by completely disarming your prospects natural sales resistance. - Deadliest words you can never say during a sales call.
Say these things and it instantly puts prospect on the defensive and drives down your chances of ever getting a sale. - What to absolutely sell first before trying to take their money
Without this, your sales is dead in the water – this is where 90% of sales people get it wrong. - You should try and disguise your call as a sales call, right?
Not always! When honesty really is the best policy…and how to use this approach to close more and sell more.